Certification Classes

BLS Certification Classes (EMR and EMT)
Schaefferstown EMS is a proud supporter of the Eastern Lebanon County School District EMS Education Institute. Thanks to the history of the program and its continued success today, a large number of our personnel at SEMS were credentialed through the efforts of the ELCO program. The ELCO program has certified our personnel as Emergency Medical Responders (EMR), Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), and Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMT), as well as allowing them to transition from one level to a high level of certification.
For class updates and class schedules, please contact the Administrative Director, David Kirchner at elcoad@mfau.net.
For our adult learners in the Lebanon, Lancaster, and Berks County areas, please check out the Adult Learner Site for upcoming classes and registration links.
IALS Certification Classes (AEMT)
Since 2020, Schaefferstown EMS has been a host to numerous Advanced EMT (AEMT) classes and continues to offer these classes today. Over the past several years, SEMS has sponsored numerous personnel to become certified through the AEMT program, which has given us the ability to offer Intermediate Advanced Life Support (IALS) services to our community.
Classes are scheduled periodically, based on the needs of the region. For more information, or to request class information, please email education@sems160.com.